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Nil Smoke - Anti-smoking magnets

Product description
Nil Smoke are 2 gold-plated magnets that you put in your ear and that help you stop smoking without a crisis or nervousness. Magnets act as acupressure and stimulate the production of happy hormones, endorphins. So when you wear them, you get a feeling of satisfaction like when you light a cigarette.
As soon as you put Nil Smoke in your ear, you will feel a reduced desire for cigarettes, and for the best results you should wear them for at least a week.

) Quantity: The package contains 2 biomagnets that press acupressure points and activate the production of transmitters in the brain to eradicate the desire to smoke.

How are magnets used?
Simply place the 2 magnets on the left ear. The smaller magnet goes to the front of the ear, and the larger one to the back. Magnets are barely noticeable during use. It is not necessary to pierce the ear. The attractive property of magnets keeps them in place and there is no risk of them falling off.

Recommended retail price : 24.99€

Wholesale price : 1.36 €

Instructions for use:

Balance: 1623 pcs

SKU: 17-911PID: 0199

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